80 Days is a Family Game of the Year 2023 finalist

Our autumn board game novelty 80 Days has reached the finals of the Family Game of the Year 2023 competition in both Finland and Sweden! According to Seidi Alenius, President of the Finnish Toy Association, this year’s finalists were of a particularly high quality, with a wide variety of games suitable for different types of players. Just being a finalist is a great achievement, as the game has to please several judges on several different criteria.

80 Days is an exciting and strategic board game for the whole family, published by Piatnik. The goal is to travel around the world as quickly as possible in five rounds of play and arrive to the finish line in London. Along the way, players must complete as many adventures as possible and collect victory points, which players record in their own travel diaries. With two levels of difficulty, the game is truly suitable for the whole family. The game is recommended for ages 10+ with a maximum of 2-4 players. The play time is approximately 50 minutes. May the best adventurer win!